Sabattis Log 16 July 2004
Mark, our Scoutmaster, is a former Air Force and National Guard soldier who worked as part of the ground crew for fighter pilots. Pilots use "call-signs" or nicknames not only for security reasons but because acquiring a nickname symbolizes acceptance into the fraternity of aviators.
Today, we went through a similar process. By this point, us leaders are really doing much less leading which is the way things are supposed to be. For some reason, I feel less like a distant leader but more like just one of the brothers. Anyhoo, we did assign nicknames to the boys today. I will not list the names here because I don't want to expose the boy's names to those on the 'net who would misuse the information. However, I will summarize some of the rules that we made up (on the fly) to administer the nicknames
- One cannot assign a nickname to oneself. The scout brothers will do that.
- The nickname cannot be degrading to the individual.
- The nickname will most likely annoy one's mother. Oh well...
- The nickname is intended for use by one's scout brothers. For example, one's kid sister cannot use it. Its a brotherhood thing...
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