October 03, 2004

Just General Catching Up

Its been quite a while since I've entered anything into my blog. Perhaps because I've been busy or perhaps because I've spent so much time journaling into my analog blog that I've neglected my poor blog.

The kids are now back in school, the twins are two, and Scouts is in full swing. I've spent a fair amount of free time providing "geek" support to some missionaries in Honduras. To say working on this project has energized my spiritual life would be an understatement. Its simply awesome to be a sender!

Books I'm reading now include C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. I guess my desire here is to dig into the fundamentals of Christianity for when I encounter those who do not (yet!) believe. Because of its reference by one of my friends, I'm reading Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life . I'll be on day 12 tomorrow and its already having a positive influence on my life. I anticipate that I'll re-read with some other folks at some point just to solidify the concepts. I even have another friend of the family using it as a witnessing tool. According to this evening's Dateline, 20M copies of the book have been sold and the church that Warren pastors is vibrant and alive. There is even a network of bloggers sharing their own thoughts on the book! Next on the radar screen is Grace Awakening which, if Swindoll's broadcasts are any indication, should be an excellent read.

My wife is off to a scrapbooking conference this week so I'm home alone to trash the house and catch up on lots of reading, writing, and good old fashioned deep thinking/praying/meditation. Well, I better stop typing and get ironing my kid's clothes for school tomorrow!


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