October 07, 2004

Better than Survivor...

I've been home with all four of my children this week while my wife is attending a scrapbooking conference (and I though only us IT people had conferences!) in Florida. So far things are going well. The kids are done with school for the week so that relieves a bit of pressure in the morning to get everyone ready. One of the twins was sick when my wife left but now is better. As you may guess, the other twin is now sick and was just laying all over me after dinner. Since she is the "cat" of the twins (versus the other who is a "puppy"), it is unusual for her to be overly affectionate.

I'm starting to make some headway through Mere Christianity as well as going day by day through The Purpose Driven Life. On the more secular side, I've been enjoying reruns of ST:TNG on SpikeTV from 1300 - 1500. Think of it as my daily siesta.

I have another teaching gig starting up next Thursday at Syracuse University. I'm going to lecture on EJB programming in six weeks. It really should be twelve weeks so I think I'll resort to just doing lectures with no labs. I guess this client of SU wants to use JBoss. I'll be scrambling to learn that application server and associated Eclipse plugins before next Thursday. Yee Haw!!!!!!


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