May 12, 2006

Preparations Underway

Well, I'm sort of excited about this. We've (CCS) been invited to visit two missionary families that we sponsor this summer. The first part of the trip will put us in Cakovec, Croatia for a week with Dmir and his family. The second week will take us to Eger, Hungary to participate in an "English Camp" with another family that transplated themselves to Hungary. I could bore you with more detail but I'll spare you for now.

When Pastor Ken (PK) first announced this in church I was excited. When my wife wispered "you should go" I thought we couldn't do it financially, but I was more excited. Or that being gone for two weeks would be not be feasible with Vickie and all my crazy children. But it looks like this is going to happen. Yeah!

My kids are ok with it. Drew thinks its alot of money. And it is when you think about all the meals/clothing or other necessities that could be funded for what it costs to send just one of us to Europe for two weeks. But I think of it as tuition in God's School of Ministry. I know that I will learn many things in those two weeks that I could never learn by reading a book or attaining an M.Div. I pray that I can blaze the trail for my children and others to venture out into what God would have for them. Some things you simply cannot learn in a classroom...

Nearing the conclusion of His earthly ministry, Christ commissioned his disciples in Matthew 28:19 to "...Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...". Sometimes "go" is writing a check. Sometimes its going across the aisle/neighborhood/town to pray or visit someone who is sick. And for others at times, "go" means get a passport, pack your bags, and GO to the airport/train station. I think I'll get a taste for the latter later this summer when I venture to Europe.

If you think of it, please pray for PK and I as we plan this adventure. I pray that our two weeks in Eastern Europe will bring glory to Jesus Christ and provide encouragement to His servants already "stationed" there.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

IT! I didn't know that you have a blog.
Now few years on, I'm curious - what did the Lord teach you while you here in Hungary?
I hope that we'll be seeing you out here again soon!


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