Insomnia 2.0
Well, here I am again unable to sleep but able to scribble in the blog.
I received a phone call from Ed tonight about some logistics stuff for his last days in the U.S. before returning to Honduras. He mentioned he thought I was really slugging through alot of "stuff" as a result of me leaving my former church. It is a credit to my Lord [and certainly NOT me!] that I really didn't think much of it at that point when talking to him on the phone. I mean, we're soldiers for the Lord, right? Do soldiers in the U.S. military or our first responders (Fire, Police) whine and wimper when the are injured? Well, yes because it hurts but from what I've seen they would run into the danger again and again because that is what they train for. That is what they have dedicated themselves to. I know its not scripture but this reminds me of the quote by D.H. Lawrence:
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
Ok, its probably the insomnia talking but we Christians need to be more like the wild bird. We as Christians have not chosen to follow Christ because it was going to be a smooth ride. If that were the case then the churches would be emptied right now. When we look at the types of Christ in the OT, then Christ Himself, then the apostles, the evidence is overwhelming. Those who choose Christ, who choose the righteousnes of God, will run into CRAP at some point. Yes, one's life will downright suck at certain points. But we have signed on to the armed forces of Heaven, the paramedics of the Cross. Our job is to face the crap head-on and hang onto Jesus. He is the one who will see us through. He is the one who designed us at the beginning of what we consider "time" to serve His purpose.
Ok, just so we're clear here - I don't consider myself anywhere near where I suggest a Christian could be in the previous paragraphs. During my transition from my old church there were plenty of "fetal-position-thumb-sucking" moments where all I could do was cling to Christ.
I can't speak much for thumb sucking, but clinging to Christ when things hit the fan works. He carries us through when we can't.
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