October 10, 2004

The last solo tuck-in...for awhile

Well, I got my twins tucked in for the last time solo for a while anyway. My wife, Lord willing, is on her flight now from Orlando so she should be home around 2230 or so. Both my older kids are home and my son was a huge help this weekend with the twins. He worked extremely hard on his math facts this weekend; we did four sessions just today and he is so close to mastering. My oldest daughter just returned from a trip with my in-laws to Ogdensburg to visit one of my father-in-law's brothers.

I've made minimal progress through Mere Christianity this week but did make it through the chapter on virtues and social morality. This book must be taken in small bites otherwise one's mind may choke!

Today is day 18 of my Purpose Driven Life journey. This experience has been very positive so far. Recent readings focus on the need to be connected to other Christians. In short, its a team sport and we need to stick close to help each other make it through life.

Along the lines of my Moleskine obsession, I'm on page 181 of my first pocket version with a squared pocket in the shrink wrap ready to step into my jounaling world. I've gone completely retro by using a really cheap Parker Reflex fountain pen just to get a feel for using a fountain pen. What the pundits say is true - a fountain pen does glide very nicely across the right kind of paper. Just don't try it on the sketchbook papers found in the Moleskines or other notebooks. I think it clogs the nib and makes writing with it more like a ballpoint. I have my eye on a Waterman Phileas as the next pen to try, but I may wait to see if someone will buy it for me for Christmas :-).


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Pragmatik said...

If you would like a great C.S. Lewis book, check out THE GREAT DIVORCE. It's hard to find, I think, though, but great if you can find it.
And the Phileas is a great pen. Can't get a better pen for anywhere near that price.


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