March 05, 2005

Its all about Dirt

I had the pleasure of sharing lunch with Katrina Engle during her visit to Syracuse. Katrina and her husband run an orphanage or sorts in Puerto Limpira (PL), Honduras. She is a ball of energy who has a deep and profound love for Christ and for the kids in PL. You can read more about the Engles at their blog.

During lunch (Vietnamese restaurant of my brother-in-law's choice) she was describing the different races/ethnicities of children in her care. Like the song goes, " and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight..." she explained that we are all different colors because we come from the dirt. Dirt has different colors. The pale sand of near the oceans or desert, crimson clay, or richest dark soil are all the canvas that the Creator has used to form us in His Image.

I thought that her analysis was so cool. Thanks Katrina!


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